Dillon Clark:


While studying at the University of Colorado, Boulder, I found passion in studying the relationship between people and design. I started in Environmental Design, drawing bridges and creating scale models of the built environment to satisfy design objectives. Architecture as a study is very inspiring, but Information Science became my avenue for creativity through data and design. I found that creating 3D and digital spaces allowed for broader reach and more rapid iteration. Since, I've graduated and begun a career in UX design and data science, striving to leave humanity more empowered and intelligent, through technology.

Data Scientist & UX Designer

I want to work with a socially and environmentally sustainable company that fosters a positive working environment from the ground up.

A company that remains true to its values.

A company that knows its workers are its most valuable commodity.



As a UX designer and data scientist, I am equipped with the tools necessary to design a better future, one project at a time. I relish in studying the shadows and aliases of real world phenomenon, reflected through data, colored by human perspectives. Throughout my work & my lifetime, I aim to never stop growing, to continuously learn and adapt. This portfolio is the story of my development as a professional.

Predicting Political Sentiment using AI | 2022

I worked with 3 brilliant associates to help improve upon the process of assessing political sentiment. For this project, we pulled historic and current google trends volume data for 200+ corporations and brand names as input features to be trained against electoral outcomes for each election year going back to 2004. As a product of this research, we compiled a report of corporate partisanship, as well as a per-state prediction of the 2022 midterms. The accuracy attained was more than sufficient, but we learned more from the complications found along the way.
Predicting Political Trends [Paper]

Predicting Political Trends [Slidedeck]

Bacnav | 2022

As a team, we performed a user study with local backcountry skiing groups to quantify and assess safety concerns within the sport. We used the insights from interview & survey analysis to design a series of product prototypes intended to satisfy various safety objectives. These designs ranged from avalanche detection wearables to high power emergency alert modules.
BacNav [Slides]

PhysioTrack case study | 2022

As part of a study into personal health informatics, a group of likeminded students reflected upon observed physical therapy limitations and designed a prototype application to make physical therapy more accessible. Our final prototype, called PhysioTrack, enables users to log their injuries and symptoms, outputting objective datapoints regarding a user's health objectives. My role in this project was to help generate UX prototypes and research computer vision methods capable of quantifying an individuals muscular and skeletal health relative to observed baselines.
PhysioTrack [Paper]

COVID card design sprint | 2022

For this short design sprint, I worked with a group to study COVID card use amongst children, and design an intervention to present design problems. During the case study sprint, we developed a design objective, researched solutions, and presented a final prototype mockup, along with storyboard and workflow deliverables.
COVID Sprint [Slides]

Re-envisioning Twitter | 2022

This sprint focused on a single social media platform, and how projecting it through a separate social theory lens can influence the design objectives of the platform. For Twitter, we drafted user scenarios and described them according to various social theories, ultimately suggesting a design intervention to tweak Twitter into a Self-Presentation optimized platform.
Re-envisioning Twitter [Slides]

SendMap | 2019

SendMap was a preliminary design project completed entirely by myself. The project idea was to create an application that informed riders about resort events, conditions, and tracked their ridership with simple metrics. It was designed as a design study to help me learn UX principles and Adobe UX workflows. It served as a reuseable asset for a few BacNav samples years later. (Always retain your assets!)
SendMap prototype [UI Samples]

  • All
  • Visualizations
  • Design work
  • Artwork


I am always looking for new opportunities, please feel free to contact me by email or linkedin.


Denver / Boulder, CO


My Profile


Phone number available per request, send me an email first!

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